Friday, October 21, 2011


Mark Eifert, Director of Photography, Bent Image Lab (colleague)
“Working with Mark as my producer. I was able to stay ahead of the "eight" ball - this made delivering the the goods to the Director and Clients a far less harrowing experience than it would have been without him at the helm.” October 21, 2011

Eric Stolberg, Sound Designer and President, Digital One (business partner)
“I’ve known Mark for a couple of years now and I value getting to work with him. Simply put: Mark makes my job easy. Creating spots can be (is) a very chaotic process, but Mark is able to pull together the flotsam of creative ideas coming from every direction and deliver them to me in a concise way. He’s always been respectful to me and my staff, he’s had my back when things were going less than smoothly and he’s always been straight forward and honest with time and financial matters.” September 22, 2008

Tarn Fox, VFX supervisor, Bent Image Lab (colleague)
“Mark has put his heart and soul into everything we've worked on together. He works as hard as any producer that I've worked with and brings his best game to the job no matter how large or small.” December 10, 2008

Lucas Haley, Animator, Bent Image Lab (colleague)
 “Mark is a rarity in the world of producers -- he manages to be an advocate for both the client and his production team. He is able to both guide his client to the best possible product, and drive his team to produce the best they can.” October 22, 2010

Paul Harrod, Director, Bent Image Lab (colleague)
“Mark has acted as producer on the majority of projects that I have directed at Bent Image Lab, and I can honestly say that there are few people with whom I would rather step in to battle. Mark has typically foreseen most of my needs before I even needed to express them, and his broad based knowledge of art department, stage, CG and post production has contributed to the smooth running of all of the projects that we have done together. Mark has also done an exceptional job of managing clients by instilling a strong sense of confidence that all of their needs will be met, and that the experience of working with us will be an enjoyable one. In short, I have to credit Mark as representing one of the key factors in making my time with Bent both creatively rewarding and enjoyable.” February 7, 2011

Craig Hermann, IT Administrator, Bent Image Lab (colleague)
“Mark was the model of a line producer to work with. He knew exactly what resources he needed, when he needed them, and how best to ask for them. His productions preceded without delay, as I was able to supply him his IT resources without worry of mis-alocation. I would recommend Mark Axton heartily for any position where ownership, direction, and deft leadership is required.” September 8, 2008

Joel Brinkerhoff, Animator, Bent Image Labs (colleague)
“I’ve know Mark from the old Will Vinton Studios days. He had proven himself before coming on board with some high profile credentials and was a straight shooter right from the start. Years later I’ve had the pleasure of reconnecting with Mark and working under his prowess as Producer on several occasions. He knows his stuff and does his best to facilitate the work in a gracious manner making a great environment that is fun and lighthearted. I appreciate the times I’ve spent working with him.” September 8, 2008

Chad Essley, Owner, CartoonMonkey Studio (colleague)
“Mark is one of those rare producers that has a great eye for artistic design, and can easily balance a production from beginning to completion. I've worked with and known Mark for years, and he's one of the most component, friendly, and nice people in the film & animation business.” September 8, 2008

Dave Manuel, Photoshop Guru / Concept Artist, Bent Image Lab (colleague)
“Working with Mark is something I always look forward to. He is an excellent bridge of communication between clients and creative teams. He knows when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em and always moves projects toward that sweet spot where clients are happy and creatives are fulfilled. I highly recommend Mark Axton.” September 9, 2008

Shilpa Sunthankar, Production Coordinator, Bent Image Lab (colleague)
“Mark has a great way of finding and managing a streamlined process for his jobs, no matter what the job. He also somehow has the ability to communicate that process easily to his teams while also being rather fun to work with. It's great to work with Mark: the job always gets done, and done well.” September 9, 2008

Amy Hassler, Coordinating Producer, Will Vinton Studios (colleague)
“I had the distinct pleasure of working with Mark Axton at Will Vinton Studios where he had the responsibility of producing high end commercial television spots for Fortune 500 clients. Production can get intense, but Mark is a pleasure to work with: a highly skilled producer, graceful under pressure, and a real professional.” September 10, 2008

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